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What Happened To The Two-Parent Black Family Structure?

What Happened To The Two-Parent
Black Family Structure?
It's a well-known fact that when both Black parents are in the home and the two of them are morally sufficient, and very committed to raising a very successful family together, there's very little conflict between the two of them in the home. As a result, their children tend to do much better as well. There are fewer emotional issues, fewer behavior issues, better health conditions, and much better economic conditions.

During the 1950's and 60's the two-parent Black family structure played a major role in the overall success and well-being of the Black community as a whole. Black men back then were very hard-working, totally committed and better suited to marry the woman they loved, while Black women had far greater domestic skills and abilities than they do today, and were much better regarding the choices of men they wanted to marry and raise a happy, healthy family with.

Back then, 86% of all Black homes had

Why Black Parents Should Never Argue And Fight In Front of Their Children

"Will Y'all please STOP fighting!"
I'm sure most of us can agree that it's quite natural and perfectly normal for Black couples to have differences of opinions, disagreements, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, etc., but does that justify them arguing and fighting in front of Black children? 


With that being said, practically every couple today engage in heated arguments for multiple reasons, and coincidentally, many of those arguments today usually concern the needs and well-being of children, especially within the Black family structure, and the saddest thing of it all is that many Black parents today don't know, don't understand, or simply put, don't give a damn about the mental, emotional,

Why Do So Many Black Marriages Fail Today?

"My family don't like you anyway,
and I'm not divorcing them!"
Chances are you know a Black male, or a Black female today who's currently enduring the pain of a very miserable, dead-end marriage, or someone waiting to swallow the bitter pill of divorce....

Perhaps that individual could be you.....

With that being said, a few questions comes to mind:

Why do so many Black men and Black women today who strongly believed they were soul mates at one point and time in their relationship end up becoming formidable enemies, arguing, fighting, slamming doors, sleeping in separate rooms, until both parties involved decide the best thing to do in the above case is to just file for divorce and move on.

Why do so many married couples today who swore to being lovers for life, end up hating one another to the point of

Why Little Black Girls Need Quality Black Fathers!

"I will always love you and be there
for you baby girl!"
Unfortunately, the lack of quality Black male role models in the lives of our young Black daughters today, especially in the form of a quality Black father figure is partly responsible for why multitudes of our young, inexperienced Black Queens are looking for love, acceptance and affection in all of the WRONG places, with all of the WRONG males, for all of the WRONG reasons.....

This growing lack of quality Black manhood is partly responsible for why multitudes of young, inexperienced Black females (including the ones 21 years old and older) go from being Black Queens to becoming someone's Porn Queen....simply because a quality Black male, especially in the form of a quality Black father figure wasn't

What's A "Power" Black Couple?

"We Are A Power Black Couple!"
"Power" Black Couples are those very resilient Black couples today who together have something very "beneficial" to bring to the table, starting with profound knowledge of themselves, their rich heritage and history, as well as profound knowledge of everything that was strategically designed by their oppressors to tear them apart, complimented with a genuine LOVE, APPRECIATION and RESPECT for one another as male and female.

These very STRONG UNIONS are only comprised of Black men and women who have a very STRONG DESIRE to meet, date, marry and breed with an "opposite equal" of themselves in the form of a very "MASCULINE, HARD-WORKING, CONSCIOUS" Black man, or in the person of a "VERY SUPPORTIVE, HARD-WORKING CULTURALLY EDUCATED, NATURALLY DECORATED" Black woman.

Unfortunately, this constructive Brotha and Sistah tandem is very rare today because many of us continue to subject ourselves and our children to the multitudes of negative energies, as well as the multitudes of destructive social and moral dysfunctionalities and conflicts that continue to keep us "DIVIDED" as males and females.

Just reference most of the posts in and

Why Black Women Should Love And Embrace Their Natural Hair!

BLACK WOMEN....especially those of you who are sportin naturally LOC'D hair....

Please understand....your natural kinky, curly, wavy, or loc'd hair is much more than a large cluster of protein filaments growing from follicles found in your dermis....

Your cluster of protein filament growing from follicles are very delicate and unable to withstand most of the harsh dyes, relaxing chemicals and styling techniques many of you expose your hair to today.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there's a growing concern for our Melanated Sistahs....

The study conducted at the Academy concluded that of all women modifying the texture, or color of their hair, Black women are more prone to suffer significant hair loss and or permanent scalp damage simply because most Black women worldwide today are less likely to seek professional help to treat and correct the problems associated with exposing their hair to very harmful hair dyes, relaxers and or styling techniques.

The most common cause for much of the hair loss for Black women today is a condition called....

The Importance Of Black Love And Gender Unity!

As most of us know, LOVE and UNITY between Black men and Black women is being severely challenged on just about every level there is today.

And the saddest thing about it all is that many of us have been mentally conditioned BLACK LOVE to completely give up on  and GENDER UNITY as Black men and Black women.

WITH all of the social engineering tactics strategically designed to tear us apart as male and female....

WITH multitudes of Black males today choosing to date and marry outside of the Black race....

WITH multitudes of Black females now jumping on the bandwagon and choosing to date and marry outside of the Black race.....

WITH multitudes of single Black men and women today who have been mentally conditioned to believe that love and marriage is overrated and completely outdated....

WITH feminism convincing more and more Black....

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