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Raising Black Boys Alone!

On behalf of all single Black mothers who are struggling a great deal today raising your children, especially your juvenile sons....this post is in NO way meant to demean single Black motherhood, or Black womanhood altogether....

This post, or this piece of advice was created exclusively for "Cultural Awareness" purposes only, as a direct result of my own research, professional work experience, case-studies and analysis!

With that being said....

In my 19 years of service for the Department of Human Services, I've encountered and counseled numerous young, inexperienced Black mothers who were having very server issues raising their juvenile sons with very little or NO HELP at all from their biological fathers....

What they all seem to have in common, which is not very surprising today, was the fact they ALL declared their juvenile sons to be the heads of their home, AKA....


Like it or not, agree with it or not, Sistahs...."THIS IS A HUGE NO NO", for many reasons I will share below....

Generally Speaking, and on behalf of ALL of our single Black mothers reading this blog post who are raising boys alone....

As cute as this may seem Sistahs, your young son IS NOT, "THE MAN OF THE HOUSE." He will always be your prince even if there's NO Black King in the home in the form of a quality Black father figure!

Most young, inexperienced, single mothers today will never understand the "psychological damage" they cause by appointing their young Black sons to be "the man of the house."

"Remember: You are not my Father!"
By falsely convincing their young sons they are men, these inexperienced females unknowingly force their adolescents into a pressure-based situation, or an environment that's NOT very suitable for them to be in.... And more importantly, by appointing your young son to be "the man of the house", you are psychologically elevating him, and placing him on your level, which is perhaps the number one reason why he refuse to listen to you, respect you, and very frequently challenges your parental authority. 

It could also be one of the biggest reasons why your young Black sons verbally abuse you, and in most extreme cases, physically assault you! 

Likewise, many of these undeveloped boys feel such emotional stress, that they resort to doing the unthinkable to meet their mother's fanatical demands of manhood.

Many of these teenage boys who are/were locked up in juvenile detention centers freely discuss with me on a regular basis about how they thought it was very necessary for them to resort to selling drugs, shoplifting, robbing people, carjacking, and committing many other very heinous crimes to help take care of their struggling households. 

Sistahs....Leading and providing for your household IS NOT their responsibility! 

Yes, our Black sons need to learn to be responsible....

Yes, they need to help maintain the home front, but that's what household chores are for, especially when they are under aged boys.

With that being said....

Sistahs, NEVER call, or appoint your son to be "THE MAN YOUR HOUSE!"

Please keep that in mind....


There's no such thing as a perfect mother....
So just be a "KEEP IT REAL" one!

                                         All Thoughts Welcome!

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